Thursday, September 25, 2014

2015 UFO Challenge

I have joined next year's challenge at Peggy's Sewing Center! I have come up with 12 projects to finish. This was not a hard task since I have lots of UFOs. I just picked the one ones that were easy to find.
#1 Finish piecing entire top
#2 Finish piecing entire top
#3 Make the entire top
#4 Finish piecing entire top
#5 Finish piecing entire top
#6 Finish piecing entire top
#7 Finish quilting and put on binding
#8 Finish piecing entire top
#9  Finish piecing entire top
#10  Finish piecing entire top
#11  Finish piecing entire top
#12  Finish piecing entire top
This should keep me busy and out of trouble.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Thrifting - Score

Everyone knows how I love a bargain. Here are some things I picked up since I have returned from Boston.
Brand new sewing basket
Inside a brand new magnetic pin cushion
Another sewing basket
Needles - hand made birch and rosewood
Books to add tom stash
Rowenta travel iron -- love it!!!!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Two Trips to St. Michael's

AJ, Buddy, and I drove to St. Michael's recently - twice. AJ needed to order a new winder for his work boat. I had to make a stop in Frivolous Fibers. I purchased sock yarn and some Knitter's Pride crochet hooks.
Mary Beth has already claimed the yarn.
Next trip to St. Michael's to pick up the crab winder device included a stop a Blue Heron in Easton.
They have hand dyed yarn.
Chenille called Dusk.