Thursday, April 30, 2009

Giant Moth

Last night when I got home, I noticed what I thought was leaf in my wicker chair on the front porch. Instead I found a giant moth. It lookes like a bird may have tried to eat part of it. Well, the biology part of me had to find out what it was.

Luna Moth (Actias luna)
Wing-span: 8-12 cm
Distinguishing features: Bright green coloration with long "tails" on hind wings.
Host plants: Wide range of trees and shrubs including: alder, willow, cherries (Prunus sp.) and birch. Paper birch seems to be a favourite food.
This moth is found in North America from east of the Great Plains in the United States to northern Mexico and from Ontario eastward through central Quebec to Nova Scotia in Canada.

It is rare to find one since it only lives 7 days and produces 1 generation a year.

Here is a stock photo of a female -

Sock Class

This was my sock class. I am in the back row on the left wearing the black sweater.
For some reason unknown by me or anyone else, I wanted to knit socks. And guess what, I can. (I hope I can because I need to knit the mate.)
Thank you Sue and Lori! Sue owns the Island Yarn Boutque on Kent Island (410-643-6113), and Lori was our instructor. Lori is in the picture wearing the orange top.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring Flowers

My Wreath!

A few weeks ago I noticed my front door wreath was looking scraggly. Little birds were stripping the pussy willows and building a nest - right in the wreath.

Look at the top of the wreath:) You can't see the nest from the front - only from inside the door.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I have always wanted to knit socks - don't ask me why. I finally figured out how to get started. This is the cuff. I knitted it in the car going home from work yesterday.